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Baby, It's CODE Inside

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Ticket & T-Shirt - Baby, It's CODE Inside
from $5.00

Tickets -  $5 each,  T Shirts $10 each.   Please add each item to cart before checking out.  Or purchase a T shirt on line and ticket at the door.

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An all-day coding event for teens of all skill levels, guided by Women in Technology @ Binghamton University and veteran computer professionals.  Stop by for an hour or spend the day.  Try your first coding project from Hour of Code or learn to control Scribbler robots using Python, a coding tool used in many industries.  Visit the Vintage IBM Computing Center to create custom banner printouts with Apollo-era machines, as seen in the movie, Hidden Figures.  OR - spend the day learning to Code Your Own Video Game with Unity software.

Snacks included in $5 ticket. 

Get a terrific, long-sleeve, 100% cotton T shirts for an additional $10.  Order in advance to be sure we have your size when you arrive.

Hour of Code & Python with robots sessions start on the hour, every hour.  Code Your Own Video Game   9am - 3 pm Drop in anytime for Make & Takes -- Braille, Giant Paper Clips, & custom banner prints at Vintage IBM Computing Center.

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