Code your butt off at the Global Game Jam - co-hosted by TechWorks! and SUNY Broome.
Game themes are announced Friday at 5PM - work in teams all weekend - Teams upload games to international website at 5PM Sunday. At the closing ceremony, teams present their game - what it does, how it was designed, and why folks should give it a spin. Join 500 sites around the world - all working on the same theme.
Three simple steps to participate in Binghamton's only Global Game Jam site:
1. Sign up on the official web site
2. Reserve your space on-line now. The TechWorks! - SUNY Broome site has room for 30 gamers. Buy tickets in advance on-line or at the event, if space is available.
3. Sharpen your game creation skills so you're ready to go. Most teams will build their game using Unity game engine design software. Download free software and practice. Sign up for a TechWorks! Code Your Own Video Game Unity training - a two day workshop Dec 27-28th at Binghamton High School or a one day workshop Jan 15th at TechWorks!.
Click here to purchase Global Game Jam ticket(s) on line:
2019-global-game-jam-ticket $30.00 $35 ticket includes Game Jam T shirt
` Ticket includes entrance to all Global Game Jam activities:
Opening Ceremony at Harry Prew Conference Center (Friday 5PM), Coding in Applied Technology Atrium -Friday until 10PM, Saturday 8AM - 10 PM, Sunday 8AM - 5PM; Closing Ceremony at Harry Prew Conference Center (Sunday 5-7PM). Plus Overnight Coding sessions at Fairfield Inn, 864 Upper Front Street, Friday 10 PM - Saturday 8AM and Saturday 10PM-8AM. Overnight Coding Sessions include access to fitness center, pool, and showers - bring a bathing suit and towel. Snacks & beverages included; meals not included.