Interested in Volunteering for TechWorks?

Help TechWorks! out by lending your talent, time, and resources!

We have many options you can choose to help TechWorks! including…

  • Gardening

  • Moving/Cataloging Collection Items

  • Website Design

  • Setting up events

  • Archive images/documents

  • Multimedia

  • 3D image capture

  • Projects

  • and much more!

see below for a more detailed list!

TechWorks!  Community Service Options -  Fall 2022

Outdoor projects:

1.  Cleanup around arched RR trestle  - junk into black bags, trim brush/small trees/large weeds - toss all vegetation over floodwall

2.  Cleanup on East side - under RR trestle behind rose garden; dig up clumpy grass, trim regular grass

3.   Weed West side garden plots - toss all vegetation over floodwall

4.  Perhaps - secure green wood covers over outside of 2nd floor windows -  we have ladders, rolling work ladders]

5.  Hops garden - harvest and ready garden for winter

Inside projects

1.  Install shelving units in E H Titchener room

      shelve Titchener contract files (lots of boxes)

2.  Move tagged artifacts from first floor to second floor; large stuff from Central Block

3.  Inventory - refile cataloged player piano rolls

4.  Brush down peeling paint in stairwell walls - Center provides goggles, masks, nylon jackets

5.  Move furniture/filing cabinets per new "Lobby Floor Plan"  which should be ready by Labor Day

6.  Install/organize shelving in Library 2nd floor (we're hoping to get shelving from BU library restoration, we'll see)

Remote -  Online projects -  

1.  Develop donation strategy for online gifts, stocks, QCDs, bequests; associated web pages

2. Develop Big Map Mural Geotag/Georeference system - connecting to historical society URLs

3.  Provide an interactive platform to capture/moderate individuals' input to Big Map Mural database (see # 2)

4.  Evaluate Atari lottery number picker - is there a market for this as a Smart Phone app?

5.  Develop narrative of IBM Endicott's role in video game industry, supported by data base of gaming systems that use Endicott chips - timelines, companies, designers, hardwared, games

6.  Develop timeline/framework of pioneering Upstate NY energy technologies to support capital fundraising for South Entrance Energy Exhibit.

7.  Develop database  of contact information for BU students who volunteered at TechWorks! since 2003; develop method for capturing contact information moving forward.

8.  Migrate multi-media from existing Center website to new 2022 website structure;  correct the two YouTube channel problem; develop structure for searchable online archives; upload videos/photos not yet online.

9.  Review/summarize results of national, just released studies re: travel planning & experiences –as relate to Binghamton and TechWorks! future visitor experience design.- What experiences will attract visitors of teen, adult, retiree age? groups? 

Call 607-723-8600 or email for further questions!